Thursday, April 12, 2012

Program Goddess Festival 4 - 6 May 2012

The program for the Goddess Festival during Wesak Full Moon 2012


Participants arrive at The Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre in Tulbagh at  5 pm or earlier.
A luscious fresh vegetarian and vegan dinner will be served  at 6 pm
The opening ceremonies of the festival and the program will start at 7 pm.

Ceremonies : The Sacred Space outdoors will be opened with Opening Ceremonies with the Priestesses of the Alchemical Goddess .

Ritual and journeying : Terry de Vries will guide participants with a shamanic journey into the Otherworld and the Goddess labyrinth will be entered with focus and vision for personal transformation and alchemy for the rest of the festival.  Participants will be guided to find their vision, goal and purpose and these symbols and insights will be worked into the ceremonial and sacred objects which will be created during the course of the weekend.  (a ceremonial wand, goddess girdle and Soul Collage card - all to be taken home with you)

Ceremonies : The sacred form of the Goddess will be carried into the Temple created specifically for this celebration.  Priestessing of the four elements inside the Temple , followed by the invocation of the Presence of the Goddess and Her Presence will be ‘carried’ for the duration of the festival.

Diksha/Blessing : Hettienne Ma will transmit the Sacred Heart diksha to each participant in the Sacred Circle and the rest of the festival will focus on expanding the Flame of the Mother in all those participating in the fires of transformation.

Dancing : The evening will close with Sacred Dancing led by Deveshni Naidu.


Breakfast at 8 to 9 am

Morning starts at 9.30 am

Ritual : The morning will start with sacred rituals at the four elemental altars in the landscape.  Participants will be cleansed through earth, fire, water and air and prepared on all levels to receive Her Blessings. 

Workshop : This will be followed  by the making of goddess girdles with sacred objects found in the landscape and other materials that will be supplied.  If you have special amulets or charms or crystals that you would like to be included, please bring along.

A delicious fresh vegetarian lunch will be served at 1 pm.

The afternoon programme will start at 3 pm.

Sacred Dancing : Participants will be led in an afternoon of Sacred Dancing, both transformation and celebrative of Her Presence and Power.  Devesh Naidu will guide everyone into free movement and the joy of the body.   

Workshop : This will be followed by a sacred circle of ceremonial wand making.

Vegetarian supper will be served at 6 pm.

The evening program will start at 8 pm.

Performance and workshop : Sacred puppetry with Aja Marneweck and The Paper Body Collection with the powerful story of La Loba.  Aja will guide all participants in a powerful meditation and ritual of La Loba, followed by the puppetry performance and a climactic ritual. 
The evening ceremonies will take place around her sacred fire.  A huge bonfire will be lit and the Presence will be invoked by sacred singer Nobuhle Ketelo.

Ritual : Then the Presence of Kali Ma, mother of transformation, will be invoked with the participation of all present through drumming and chanting mantras sacred to the Divine Mother.  She will enter our sacred circle and bring in her ecstatic bliss.


A fresh vegetarian breakfast to be served at  8 – 9  am

Workshop :  In the sacred circle Anstone Loxton (a SoulCollage facilitator) will facilitate a Soul Collage workshop. Each participant will be guided in creating their own individual SoulCollage - putting together images gathered during the course of the weekend.  Please bring a pair of scissors and a Pritt stick along. 

Lunch to be served at 1 pm to 2 pm.

Ceremonies :  Closing ceremonies of the Temple, Sacred Spaces and four elements through ceremonial chanting, drumming and dancing.

The festival will end at 4 pm.

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