Sunday, April 29, 2012

Goddess Festival Songs


We all come from Goddess
And to Her we shall return
like a drop of rain
flowing to the ocean

The River
She is flowing
Flowing and growing
The River She is flowing
Down to the sea.
Mother! carry me, your child I will always be
Mother! carry me down to the sea

Earth my body, 
Water my blood
Air my breath
And Fire my spirit

SACRED GROVE by Jana Runnalls
Enter into the Sacred Grove of our Lady
Hear Her voice singing in the trees
Ancient Mystery
Circle of oak, circle of stone
Circle around the fire
Circle of oak, circle of stone
Circle around the fire

Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi – Hindu Goddess of Wealth & Prosperity

(extract from

Goddess Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity both material and spiritual, light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage. She is also the embodiment of beauty grace and charm. Goddess Lakshmi is the divine consort of Lord Vishnu. When Lord Vishnu took the Rama Avatar, Lakshmi took the incarnation of Goddess Sita Devi and married Lord Rama. And during the Krishna Avatara, Goddess Lakshmi incarnated as Radha and later Rukmini. All the wives of Lord Krishna are incarnations of Lakshmi.

Mahalakshmi is referred as “Shri” because the goddess is endowed with 6 Gunas (auspicious and divine qualities). The word ‘Lakshmi’ or “Laxmi” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Lakshya” meaning aim or goal. She illuminates our lives by allowing Good Fortune to flow from the Universal Source directly into our lives. Goddess Lakshmi means “good luck” to Hindus.

Appearance of Goddess Lakshmi

Lakshmi is depicted as a beautiful goddess of golden complexion, with four hands, sitting on a full bloomed lotus, holding a lotus bud which stands for beauty, purity and fertility. The four hands of Goddess Lakshmi stand for “dharma” or righteousness, “kama” or desires, “artha” or wealth and “moksha” or liberation from the cycle of birth and death which are considered to be the four ends of human life. Gold coins are seen flowing from her hand, pointing that those who worship her gains wealth. She is mostly depicted in gold embroidered red clothes where gold indicates prosperity and red symbolizes activity. Two elephants standing on both sides of the goddess are seen spraying water on her.

Legends behind Evolution of Goddess Lakshmi

According to Hindu Puranas, Devas (Gods) and Asuras (demons) who were always enemies were once considered mortal. To get immortality they had to drink ‘Amrit’ which is the divine nectar obtained only by churning the Kshirsagar (Ocean of Milk). For this Lord Vishnu took the tortoise form (Kurma Avatar) on which the mountain taken as churning pole was kept. The great venom spewing serpent called ‘Vasuki’ was used to churn the ocean. Lots of celestial objects came up during the churning. Among these was the goddess Lakshmi who was the daughter of the king of the milky ocean. Amrit came up only at the end. According to Vishnu Purana, Mahalakshmi always existed and she was the daughter of sage Bhrigu in the name of Bhargavi. Lakshmi accompanies Vishnu every time he comes to earth as an avatar. It is said that she left Swarga due to the curse of sage Durvasa and made Ksheerasagara her home.

How Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped

Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped not as ‘Devi’ but as ‘Mata’. As a better half of Mahavishnu, Mata Lakshmi is also called ‘Shri’, which is the female energy of Supreme Being. Her importance lies in her being an essential household deity.

Goddess Lakshmi worship on Navaratri and Durga Pooja

Though Lakshmi is worshipped daily, special poojas and prayers are done on the month of October. This is the Deepavali festivalassociated with the essence of lights, candles as well as sparkler fireworks in celebration, dedication and in honor of Lakshmi. Her worship ceremonies also include people offering food and sweets, chanting her 108 names, prayers repeated and devotional songs being sung. To light the way for Lakshmi to enter their homes, women line up their windows in light.

Another occasion is the full moon night following the Dussehra or Durga Pooja where Lakshmi is worshipped at home for her blessings. Even neighbors are invited to attend the puja. It is believed that the goddess herself visits their homes and showers them with wealth and prosperity.

Goddess Lakshmi is a Divine Lady who brings all good fortune, hope, happiness, friendship, positive opportunities, increased well being and joy in everybody’s life. She aims at the uplifting of mankind. She protects all her devotees from all kinds of misery and money related sorrows. Lakshmi is honored as the supreme goddess and not just the goddess of wealth.

Mahalakshimi Aarti

Monday, April 23, 2012

The most affordable festival around!

Goddess Festival 4 to 6 May 2012
The Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre
near Tulbagh

Three days of events, workshops, ceremony, ritual, 
dancing, drumming, performances, labyrinth,

Including all meals

R650 per person.

Camping spots available with hot showers and bathrooms

Accommodation in beautiful cottages
R1200 including accommodation, all events and all meals.

email :

Saturday, April 21, 2012


She who was once cast into stone
trampled upon

She is the Sacred Woman
who lives and moves in our psyche

She is Soul

She for whom there has been no container
and no image to behold

She is Goddess, Mother-God,
Divine Feminine,
Feminine Christ.

The Returning Goddess

The Goddess is awakening; She is returning to our consciousness from her state of exile and banishment to the unconscious.  This is to be seen  in the awareness of the ecological plight of our planet.  There is a surge of feminine consciousness and awareness in the popular media – always a good barometer of the mass consciousness.  However, She demands more than the mere awareness, the reference to Goddess every now and again or the inclusion of the word Goddess when referring to the Universal Divine. 

The exiled Goddess, for the past two thousand years frozen in the image of the suffering Mary, Mother of God, carried the suffering and redemption of modern woman’s quest for wholeness of the conscious feminine.  The Lady of the Moon was holding the archetypal  image of a feminine deity for those who struggled to identify with and relate to a masculine god  in the traditional male monotheism or to the image of the Masculine Spirit God in the mystery traditions without the receptive container of the healed feminine. 

The embodiment of the Goddess is a wholly conscious feminine path to be undertaken by women at this stage in our development.  This is a path to wholeness of the feminine consciousness embodied by women.  The old paradigm has served its purpose.  We had fallen asleep and we had forgotten the Goddess.  She has not forgotten us and She is stirring in our consciousness and she is demanding that those who hear the call, answer and start the work.

The Call of the Goddess comes in various guises. If you have lived a life unconsciously of the feminine, which, by the way, you were meant to, as we have been under the spell of the sleeping Goddess, Her call usually becomes insistent in the lives of patriarchal women, caught up in their own idealized animus, at the onset of midlife.  The animus dominated life is one that excludes the celebration of feminine rites, the celebrationary rite of the onset of your menses, the understanding of the sacredness of your body, the knowledge that you are in control of your body and only you have the right of ownership of your own body, the cognizance of the lunar cycles in your body and psyche.   It is also the life that strives for perfection, that exudes dynamic behaviour through self-discipline, control and willpower over the natural world and her own natural self.  She sends the Crone, the Goddess of Death, Destruction and Chaos to wake us up.  You can expect to see the hand of the Crone in your life in the guise of burn-out, chronic fatigue syndrome or some immune system breakdown or overload.  She carries many labels, but is currently prone to ones such as Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Epstein-Barr virus, osteo-arthritis,  allergies to certain foods, obesity, fybromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, to name but a few.  She also arrives, cloaked in personal traumatic losses in your own life;  the loss of a child or loved one, the loss of a marriage or a career.  The important thing is to recognize that she is calling your name.

Women have been living in a patriarchal, white male dominated society for the past ten thousand years.  During this time, the conscious feminine has been reviled, rejected, cursed, suppressed and oppressed. 
Woman has learnt to do the same to their inner feminine.  As women, we learnt that being too emotional is not acceptable, you are allowed to express your emotions appropriately, yes, and in the right place and the right time, preferably while you are with your female friends behind closed doors, never in public please.   Our exuberant joy are judged as being mere frivolous, our wild, womanly lust and desires are demeaned as mere sluttishness. de learnt to split out feminine self into female and male.  We learnt and taught ourselves to project those ugly ‘male’ qualities onto the men and have been successful in crippling many men emotionally and psychically.  We project our cruelty, our need for power and dominance, our anger onto men with the physical phallic power, thus robbing ourselves of our feminine wholeness.  We bury our Crone, wise self in the image of the Wicked Witch.  We scare our children and our inner child with the fear of the Devouring Mother, devoid of the context of her true power and wholeness.

The complete, whole conscious feminine, contains the Virgin, Mother and Crone.  She does indeed devour you, the masked self, but in order to give birth to the true you.  When we never experience death, it forever locks us into the fear of its power.  Only when one has experienced the power of dying to the old and being born to the new, can you trust Her process in your life.

Our society is designed to never let you die.  We are promised eternal beauty and youth, eternal sexual prowess and performance, eternal material gain.  The Virgin woman is idealized according to the male fantasy.  Her image is used in all images of perfect health and beauty.  Perfect health is idealized and you are led to believe that you should never get ill.  You should always look thirty years old and should you get ill, there are many manuals that will explain to you that you are responsible for your own illness.  Everything in nature changes, dies and transforms.  The Goddess holds us and the earth in her perfect cycle of change and transformation.

The Mother gets revered once again as a queen of domesticity, devoid of her sexual and creative powers.  These are assigned to the Virgin, created in the image of the idealized animus.  The Mother should be devoted to her children, her house and supporting her husband.  She is taught by society to carry the emotions of her husband.  She loses two thirds of her conscious feminine self.  The man in the marriage has been taught to split off his own feminine self and to project the feminine behaviour onto women or homosexual men.  Thus the Madonna/whore split.  Once his sexual partner no longer looks like the idealized Virgin and she has given birth to his children, he treats her like his own mother.  This is not merely the case for one or two men, this takes place in generations of humanity.  As long as the Mother Within and her devouring, death power is feared, the personal or projected Mother will be feared and mothers will be vilified for carrying the burden of this projection.  Husbands, school teachers, coaches, are regularly heard to say ‘just do not get on the wrong side of the child’s mother, she will kill you’ vilifying the passion of the mother and turning it into a negative death clutch of over-protection and holding on. As a mother, she is not allowed certain behaviour, she is not allowed to express her creative self, as this will empower her and encourage empowered behaviour in the children which in turn will lead to upheaval and lack of obedience in the school class room.
Women are locked into the pain of waiting to be mothered by their animus orientated mothers.  But an even more profound suffering is experienced when these women realize that they rejected their own personal mothers for being the weaker sex.  Stifling and disempowering is the complexes that hold us locked into being our father’s daughters striving for acceptance and doing our utmost to fit in and be accepted in the male world based on male principles.
In order for the receptive container of the healed feminine to be created and strengthened we need to reclaim our feminine selves.  We need to find the positive mother within.  We need to mother ourselves into becoming the container for the Self-begotten birth.
The conscious feminine way of being, doing and experiencing is a complete feminine experience.  The masculine is not experienced in the traditionally viewed way of the masculine.  It may still use the same descriptions, such as creative, active, phallic, progressive, but it feels different, it looks different, it is She in all her terrible and beautiful feminine power.  As long as you interpret, perceive and try to understand from your animus, your dominant, distorted masculine side, you will not experience.  It is only through embodiment of your conscious feminine that you will heal.

(Feminine and masculine do not refer to gender.)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Calling the Mermaids

A Mermaid by John Waterhouse

Calling all Mermaids

A wonderful and extra-ordinary event has been added to the Goddess Festival.

Dr Louise du Toit will be calling the mermaids forth from the dam at The Blue Butterfly Retreat.

She has travelled to many different waters and has accessed the inner knowledge about these mythical creatures that live in the sacred psyche of woman.
This promises to be an amazing experience. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Camping spots available and other great news!!


Accommodation at the Retreat Centre is filling up fast, but good news for intrepid men and women :  there are camping spots available in the Retreat grounds with hot showers and toilets!

Attending the Goddess Festival as a camper, and including all meals, will cost you R650 for the entire weekend!

This Festival will never take place in this way again.  The price of the tickets only cover expenses - priestesses are not being paid and workshop presenters have offered their time and energy without any compensation :  in fact, everyone is paying the full price of attending the Festival.  Such is our love and devotion to the Goddess, Divine Mother, Queen of Heaven and Great Mother of us All!  She who is as black as the night;  as white as the purest virgin thought and as red as our passionate blood.

In 2008, after many years of pilgrimages to the Great Mother, I decided to take the plunge and organise the first International Goddess Conference in South Africa.  It was a huge co-operative between many people and wonderfully supported and carried by Andrea and Kobus of Artemis (, the owners and caretakers of the sacred land on which the conference was held.

My life took a drastic change after the conference and I became an Acharya for a spiritual organisation and trained in the tradition of Kundalini and Tantra Yoga.

Last year I set the date for this year's Goddess Festival and I created a Facebook page.  I left the page out there, hoping to find a suitable venue.  Aja and I tried a number of places, but everything was already booked up for the Wesak weekend.  Until Deveshni contacted me and found The Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre within a few hours!  I took that as to be Her nod to me to go ahead!

This Goddess Festival will be the birthing of the great international Sacred Feminine Conference and Festival to be held during the week of Wesak Full Moon 25 May 2012 on the sacred lands of Artemis once again.

We need the Presence of the Divine Mother! She tells us She has always been there in Love.  She is the Knower and the known.  She teaches that Father/Mother is One.  She teaches that our Souls were born from the Love Union of the One, the Sacred Fire;  the Cosmic Lovers in Light and in Matter.  She teaches that Her Love is alive in us, as the Mother Ray (Ma-ry), as the fire of the Kundalini, the divine Shakty.

Join us on Facebook and follow this blog to stay up to date with the arrangements for the Sacred Feminine Conference and Festival 2013.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Program Goddess Festival 4 - 6 May 2012

The program for the Goddess Festival during Wesak Full Moon 2012


Participants arrive at The Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre in Tulbagh at  5 pm or earlier.
A luscious fresh vegetarian and vegan dinner will be served  at 6 pm
The opening ceremonies of the festival and the program will start at 7 pm.

Ceremonies : The Sacred Space outdoors will be opened with Opening Ceremonies with the Priestesses of the Alchemical Goddess .

Ritual and journeying : Terry de Vries will guide participants with a shamanic journey into the Otherworld and the Goddess labyrinth will be entered with focus and vision for personal transformation and alchemy for the rest of the festival.  Participants will be guided to find their vision, goal and purpose and these symbols and insights will be worked into the ceremonial and sacred objects which will be created during the course of the weekend.  (a ceremonial wand, goddess girdle and Soul Collage card - all to be taken home with you)

Ceremonies : The sacred form of the Goddess will be carried into the Temple created specifically for this celebration.  Priestessing of the four elements inside the Temple , followed by the invocation of the Presence of the Goddess and Her Presence will be ‘carried’ for the duration of the festival.

Diksha/Blessing : Hettienne Ma will transmit the Sacred Heart diksha to each participant in the Sacred Circle and the rest of the festival will focus on expanding the Flame of the Mother in all those participating in the fires of transformation.

Dancing : The evening will close with Sacred Dancing led by Deveshni Naidu.


Breakfast at 8 to 9 am

Morning starts at 9.30 am

Ritual : The morning will start with sacred rituals at the four elemental altars in the landscape.  Participants will be cleansed through earth, fire, water and air and prepared on all levels to receive Her Blessings. 

Workshop : This will be followed  by the making of goddess girdles with sacred objects found in the landscape and other materials that will be supplied.  If you have special amulets or charms or crystals that you would like to be included, please bring along.

A delicious fresh vegetarian lunch will be served at 1 pm.

The afternoon programme will start at 3 pm.

Sacred Dancing : Participants will be led in an afternoon of Sacred Dancing, both transformation and celebrative of Her Presence and Power.  Devesh Naidu will guide everyone into free movement and the joy of the body.   

Workshop : This will be followed by a sacred circle of ceremonial wand making.

Vegetarian supper will be served at 6 pm.

The evening program will start at 8 pm.

Performance and workshop : Sacred puppetry with Aja Marneweck and The Paper Body Collection with the powerful story of La Loba.  Aja will guide all participants in a powerful meditation and ritual of La Loba, followed by the puppetry performance and a climactic ritual. 
The evening ceremonies will take place around her sacred fire.  A huge bonfire will be lit and the Presence will be invoked by sacred singer Nobuhle Ketelo.

Ritual : Then the Presence of Kali Ma, mother of transformation, will be invoked with the participation of all present through drumming and chanting mantras sacred to the Divine Mother.  She will enter our sacred circle and bring in her ecstatic bliss.


A fresh vegetarian breakfast to be served at  8 – 9  am

Workshop :  In the sacred circle Anstone Loxton (a SoulCollage facilitator) will facilitate a Soul Collage workshop. Each participant will be guided in creating their own individual SoulCollage - putting together images gathered during the course of the weekend.  Please bring a pair of scissors and a Pritt stick along. 

Lunch to be served at 1 pm to 2 pm.

Ceremonies :  Closing ceremonies of the Temple, Sacred Spaces and four elements through ceremonial chanting, drumming and dancing.

The festival will end at 4 pm.

The Goddess Festival celebrates La Loba through Sacred Puppetry

The Goddess Festival is very proud and honoured to be able to bring you the beauty and magic of sacred puppetry by Aja Marneweck and The Paper Body Collective.  The La Loba sacred puppetry will form an integral part of the program and participants will interact ritually in the story and its mythical power.

La Loba: Sacred Puppetry Workshops and Performance Ritual with The Paper Body Collective

International puppetry company, The Paper Body Collective will be hosting a workshop and performance at the Goddess Festival South Africa on the 5 May. Working with animism, the roots of object ritual and performance, the workshop guides participants (from beginners to experienced) to explore movement, voice and creative intuition using giant sheets of white paper.

As she moves, she gathers fragments of the formative fantastical spaces of her world. Out of her recollections she begins to build something. Much like the archetype of La Huesera, the old bone-woman, the gatherer, La Loba is gathering bones. She looks for pieces on herself, around in the space, to build something new, but it is old, it is herself again, and it is not what she thought it would be.

'Nobody wanted to leave at the end of this astounding performance...Brilliant'- The Cue

Using the archetype of La Loba, the bone gatherer, and creative collections from the residue of the afternoon workshops, the evening performance ritual will use earth and fire, paper and light, voice and movement to create an alchemical puppetry event.

The Paper Body Collective: creating expansive artistic practice that supports our alchemical journeys into the sacred feminine.

The Paper Body Collective promotes the development of women’s sacred Visual Performance and Puppetry in Southern Africa through multidisciplinary creative projects, theatre, performance, dynamic collaborations, developmental workshops, talks, research and training. Under the direction of visual performance artist Aja Marneweck, the company creates its theatre of difference through its avant garde edge and total theatre approach to puppetry, narrative, imagery, choreography and representation. Exploring issues around gender, they are a vital contribution to developing multi-modal Visual Performance in South Africa today.

The Paper Body Collective have performed in South Africa, Zimbabwe, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Kenya, Finland and Sweden. The Paper Body Collective promotes top-class inventive puppetry, electric experimentation and collaborative creative development in nurturing risk-taking art.
‘Teeming multimedia always touching’- Laurence Bertels, LaLibre Belgium

Aja Marneweck:

Aja is a multidisciplinary visual performance artist, puppeteer and puppet-maker, producer, academic and director/founder of The Paper Body Collective based in Cape Town. She has just completed the inaugural PhD in Practice as Research in Puppetry and Visual Performance, in the Drama and African Gender studies Departments at the University of Cape Town. The Paper Body Collective thus promote top-class inventive puppetry, electric experimentation and collaborative creative development in nurturing risk-taking art.

Paper Puppetry:

Puppetry speaks of the superhuman, the sub-human and the inner human. The mirror it holds up to us can expose our inhumanity, stab our conscience or agitate for change. It can also illustrate our spirituality and the poetry in our soul. Always, the animated figure carries within it the spirit of gods, devils, and magic and of other worlds. Animism lives! (Francis, 2007: 7).

Animism through ritual is one of humanities oldest spiritual and creative urges. Ancient and contemporary puppetry arose from this most basic instinct to see the life within everything around us- in the objects we used in ritual, the masks we wore for worship and the spirits and characters we envisioned in the natural world around us. Puppetry and mask work has been used in African performance and ritual for thousands of years. Figurines and masks are guardians of ancestral bones or powerful partners to the practices of diviners in community ritual. The use of objects to express our humanity and the transformative experience of living is a powerful and deeply creative experience.

The paper puppetry workshops facilitated by Aja Marneweck were developed and inspired by the work of master puppeteer Gary Friedman who used puppetry in the 80’s and 90’s as a powerful medium for social change throughout Africa and internationally. Friedman’s work with paper puppetry was inspired by renowned Spanish performance artist Joan Baixas. For over ten years now, Marneweck has used paper puppetry workshops, performance and techniques, conducting workshops from South Africa to Kenya to Ireland and beyond, promoting the use of this powerful creative tool to express our deepest experiences of our humanity.

website :

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wesak Full Moon - the Alchemical Moon

Wesak Full Moon 6 May 2012

The Wesak Full Moon is the most powerful full moon of the year.  It is also known as the Alchemical Moon : a time of healing and transformation.

Wesak is the celebration of Buddha's birth & enlightenment, & in some traditions also his death. As the most important figure in Buddhism his life is celebrated and revered. Gathering to chant and pray are an important part of a traditional Wesak celebration.

It is said that Wesak is that time at the Full Moon of May in which the Christ gathers the entire Spiritual Hierarchy together in meditation to invoke the forces of Shambhalla. The Buddha, representing those forces, appears and blesses humanity.

The ceremony of Wesak is held in the actual Wesak Valley in the Himalayas at the time of the full moon of May (which is actually the full moon of Scorpio). A vast crowd assembles in the valley, in front of the great rock table at the end of the valley. 

Alice A. Bailey describes this event in The Unfinished Autobiography. It is said that the Christ and the Buddha conduct the ceremony of Wesak from a rock table at the end of the valley described by Bailey as " immense rock, rising out of the floor of the valley like a great table."
The second of the three major spiritual planetary festivals is The Wesak Festival, The Buddha's Blessing, and is celebrated in the eastern hemisphere at the Taurus full moon. (The first, in April, is the Festival of the Christ and the third, in June, is the Festival of Humanity.) Wesak is the festival of The Buddha, divine intermediary between the highest spiritual center, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy.

The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and the indicator of divine purpose.

Wesak - the Sun in Taurus Full Moon, is the most powerful Full Moon of the year. The Sun's transit through Taurus exalts the Moon and Taurus is ruled by Venus, the spiritual ruler of Earth. Venus is identified with Mary, the World Mother. May, the month of Taurus, is the month of Mary. Venus appears in the west as the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl who brought enlightenment to the Mayans; in the east she is Maya, mother of the Buddha.

The lunar cycle is a wave of creation that comes to fruition when the Moon is full. Each Full Moon brings revelation and possibility for healing body, mind, and soul. The Moon is the Mother whence comes reflected Light of the spiritual Sun to nurture, support, protect, and bring to flower the seeds of creation.
The Full Moon is like a pitcher pouring out a healing elixir. The celestial dispensation continues for three days following the day of the Full Moon. Calm and balance, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, rhythmic music and dancing help for receiving the blessings of heaven.

Locally the Full Moon has strong effect in the hour following Sunset when the Moon is rising and at local Midnight when the Moon is directly overhead. This Sun in Taurus Full Moon is called Wesak (WE-sock). Mystics say that the Buddha returns now to help regenerate the Earth.

According to metaphysical tradition, the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and left Earthly incarnation under the Full Moon of Taurus. And the Buddha returns at this time each year to bring new light to the world. Spiritual leaders gather in Wesak Valley, a mythic place high in the Himalayas. Here initiates led by the Christ arrange themselves into a great pentagram (the Venusian emblem of world soul) while the Buddha hovers over those gathered radiating light. This cosmic alignment occurs during the eight minutes centered on the moment of the Wesak full moon.
extract taken from


 It was from the still warm ashes of that conflagration that arose the very first Goddess of humanshape, All-knowing, Omniscient Ninhavanhu-Ma, or Ma, as she is called in a thousand tongues all over the Earth.  She is the object of every infant’s first cry when it feels the cold or dark, it cries out, like that first spark of consciousness alone in the void “Maaaaaa!” -  Credo Mutwa – Song of the Stars

Full Moon Festival of the Mother of Alchemy    
The Goddess Festival honours Goddess as the Mother Spirit within everything and within all of us.  It is a celebration of the Sacred Feminine expressed in Her many aspects. 

Enter the sacred lands as she lies in this cauldron of Africa. Enter Her Temple as sacred space.  Allow Her to transform you.

The festival will celebrate the power of Art, Myth and Ritual as powerful tools of transformation and empowerment.  

We will make our pilgrimage to the Mother in Her many splendid forms as the four elements, the Full Moon, the spiral of the Labyrinth, and crystal clear mountain waters..

The Wesak Full Moon Festival offers you the experience of entering Her Temple and priestessing Her Presence through participation in ceremonies of Sacred Dance, Shamanic journeywork, Sacred Heart Diksha from Mother Mary, the Mother Flame (Kundalini), drumming, sacred voice, sacred puppetry, blessing and thanksgiving. 

Honour the Goddess in a sacred space dedicated to Her and on Her sanctified land.

We will honour Kali Ma, Mother of Transformation, Mamawatee, Mother of the Waters of Africa, Mary, the Mother Flame, and the Triple Goddess of Alchemy.

In Her cauldron we will pour our visions received during pathworking, journeying into the Otherworld and whilst following the red thread of her labyrinth.  As the Light of Mother Flame is ignited in each initiate of the Mysteries, She will dance us through the elements of air, water, fire and earth into regeneration.  We will weave our visions into a ceremonial girdle for the journey ahead;  create ceremonial wands and build a Life Seal with Soul Collage.

Receive the Sacred Heart Diksha from Mary, the Sacred Flame of Bridal Mysticism. (for more on this see

Cost of R1200 includes all accommodation, all meals and full program.  Limited beds available.  To book send an email to

See full program above.


Now the Earth Mother is really three goddesses in one, my children; in one aspect she is a beautiful maiden, in another aspect she is the great fat queen mother, in her third aspect she herself is Nomhoyi, the ugly old evil goddess who dwells under the Earth and represents death and decay. 
The first name of the Goddess when she is a maiden is Nomkumbulwana.  This is her name when she personifies dawn.  ….
As the Great Earth Mother, the Queen Mother of Creation, she is known as Namubunde.  As the ugly old queen of decay and death she is Nomhoyi.
For many centuries the black people of Africa have believed that the Earth was a woman, a living, merciful entity, a Great Mother who allowed us to dig deep into her sacred flesh in search of minerals.  CREDO MUTWA

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wesak Full Moon 6 May 2012

During this Wesak Full Moon and in the month sacred to the Divine Mother
we invite you to join us at
in celebrating the Divine Mother in all her many aspects
during the Goddess Festival and Retreat
The Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre in Tulbagh, in the Cape.

We will celebrate the Triple Goddess, Her Alchemical powers of Transformation, and chant her thousand names.

The weekend will offer a Goddess labyrinth ritual with Terry de Vries;  
Shakty Dance with Deveshni Naidu;  sacred puppetry by Aja Marneweck and The  Paper Body Collective;  
local sacred singer Nobuhle Ketelo;  
Kali Ma puja with Bhaktymayi Ma (Hettienne Grobler);  
Life Seal Soul Collage circle;  
Mother Mary Sacred Heart Diksha; 
shamanic drumming, 
chanting and journeying under the full moon.

We will weave our collective experience and knowledge into one chalice and drink from the sacred well filled with Goddess traditions from Africa, the Celtic, the Isle of Avalon, Tantra, Mother Mary and the worship of Shakty.

Cost : R1200

Inclusive of beautiful accommodation, all
meals (vegetarian) freshly prepared and served by the local community and all ceremonies, ritual and activities.  Please bring any music instruments, as well as shamanic drums, and any traditional clothing.

Retreat venue :

For more information please send an email to : or  Limited accommodation available.  Telephone enquiries :  0828038821 (Hettienne) or 0828896805 (Devesh)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Celebrate the Goddess during Wesak Full Moon 4 to 6 May 2012

During this Wesak Full Moon and in the month sacred to the Divine Mother we invite you to join us at The Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre in Tulbagh, in the Cape. 
 We will celebrate the Triple Goddess, Her Alchemical powers of Transformation, and chant her thousand names. 
 The weekend will offer a Goddess labyrinth ritual with Terry de Vries; priestessing; Shakty Dance with Deveshni Naidu; sacred puppetry performance by Aja Marneweck and The Paper Body Collective; local sacred singer Nobuhle Ketelo; Kali Ma puja with Bhaktymayi Ma (Hettienne Grobler); Soul Collage circle;  Mother Mary Sacred Heart Diksha; ceremonies and shamanic drumming, chanting and journeying under the full moon. 
 We will weave our collective experience and knowledge into one chalice and drink from the sacred well filled with Goddess traditions from Africa, the Celtic, the Isle of Avalon, Tantra and the worship of Shakty. 

Cost : R1200 Inclusive of beautiful accommodation, all meals (vegetarian) freshly prepared and served by the local community and all ceremonies, ritual and activities. 
 Please bring any music instruments, as well as shamanic drums, and any traditional clothing. 

Retreat venue : Goddess Festival South Africa 4-6 May 
For more information please send an email to : or Limited accommodation available. 
 Telephone enquiries : 0828038821 (Hettienne) or 0828896805 (Devesh)

Goddess Celebration at The Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre

The Blue Butterfly is situated on the 153 hectare reserve of Welbedacht; a declared nature reserve under a long term stewardship agreement with Cape Nature. The reserve offers a diverse range of vegetation including natural fynbos, rhenosterveld and wetland. Within these wonderful, wild areas you will find an abundance of different plant species and a range of flowers for each season. The reserve has a large dam, several marked and maintained walking trails and along with the many different species of small game, there are also springbok, bontebok and zebra.

Walk the nature trails: There are several marked walking trails which meander through the fynbos, rhenosterveld and wetland areas of the reserve. There are short trails varying from 15 to 45 minutes or if you are feeling more energetic, walk the Cake Walk Trail which takes you on a circular route of the entire reserve.
Swim in the dam: There is a large dam for swimming which is approximately 10 minutes walk from the Centre. The dam is surrounded by lush brush and trees and an abundance of bird life. It is a very tranquil setting and there are several magical spots for quiet sitting or meditation. The water is clean and cool and if you float on your back and look to the brilliant blue skies, you may see a pair of Fish Eagles that also enjoy hanging out here.
Explore the labyrinth: This unique labyrinth was designed intuitively, following the natural paths and choices determined by nature. It is beautifully integrated into its environment, a forest of blue gum trees, and is a wonderful space to feel a sense of connection with nature. There is a deep kind of silence within the labyrinth that relies not on the absence of noise but on the perfect harmony of rustling leaves and birdsong.
View the wild life: A large variety of fauna inhabit the reserve; from pole cats, caracal and cape fox to numerous buck species. Webedacht also has a 15 hectare conservancy which is home to herds of springbok, bontebok and zebra and forms part of a program for re-introduction of game.