Friday, May 18, 2012

Initiations and trainings

The Temple of Mary, the Triple Goddess is starting with initiations and training in July 2012.  More specific information will be available on soon.  For insight into the teachings please read my blogs :  Shaman-She Who Knows,  The Book of Mary and Alchemical Marriage - all links are here on this blog.  If you are interested in the Path of Mary, please follow

The Shekinah Presence, the feminine aspects of the Godhead, exists in all creative orderings of all dimensions, and is the Power through which we are re-spatialized to partake of the 'virgin birth' of our embryo Godself.  This is the Age of the Holy Spirit - where the Bride and Creator become one.

Initiates into the Path of Love will be initiated into the Temple of Mary, the Triple Goddess.  Mary is the Mother Ray and the Mother Flame (Kundalini), the Divine Mother and the Triple Goddess.
Training will include :
- history of the original priestess of the Goddess Mari-Anna-Ishtar
- history of Mary-Isis
- history of Shekinah
- Mary as Mother
- Mary as Mary Magdalene (Virgin Bride and Lover)
- Tantra for Women - re-claiming the sexual self
- Mary-Sophia, as Wisdom, the Alchemist
- The holy trinity of the Father
- Yeshua as the Bridegroom
- Sacred Geometry and how this manifests in our bodies and psyche
- Gematria - the Greek study of numbers
- Bridal Mysticism - the divine union between the masculine and feminine selves (Tantra)
- dedication to the Divine Lovers :  Krishna and Radha;  Yeshua and Mary Magdalene;  Shiva and Parvati/Kali/Lakshmi/Saraswati
- nine nights of Goddess - Durga Maa puja
- Ain Soph, Sophia, Kali-ma, the Black Madonna

- the path will rely on sacred knowledge being imparted;  mantra;  diksha;  and spiritual practises and meditations and mainly through retreats where initiates will be expected to priestess ritual, ceremony in practise.

These are the initiations into the Path.  Deeper initiations will be revealed to initiates only.  

First training date is 7-9 September 2012.

The date of the Sacred Feminine Conference and Festival is 10-13 October 2013

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Goddess Festival 2012

Noxi, Xhosa woman priestessing in the Great Mother

My entire body is pulsating to the rhythm of sharing, bounteous love, sister and brotherhood, and exultation!  Maybe that will give you some idea of what an incredible weekend we shared!  We gathered in one of the most beautiful valleys in the Cape, surrounded by mountains, giant trees, horses and zebra.

From the first moment when we called
Hail and Welcome

and that the circle was opened

We walked the Goddess labyrinth, guided and directed by the Spirit of Crow

We were entranced by the powerful La Loba

the Bone Gatherer

We witnessed miracles, prayed in the most beautiful temple, cooked nurturing wholesome
food, sang together, drummed together

all weaving to create an unforgettable event!

Please come back soon for more pictures and sharing from this wonderful festival!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Only camping spots left!

The Goddess Festival and Retreat to be held this coming weekend of
4 to 6 May 2012
at The Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre
near Tulbagh 
is sold out.

There are tickets available for those willing to camp or to stay elsewhere in the village of Tulbagh.
There are camping spots with hot showers and bathrooms in the retreat grounds.

The Goddess Festival is a small event limited to 25 people.
It is a retreat held ashram style with all participants working the The Temple
as well as serving meals and other communal duties.

The vision is to have an on-going ceremony and honouring of the Divine Feminine
both formless and in form.
There will be a focus on dancing, drumming, vision quests, shamanic journeying and puja (a blessing ritual in honour of goddess) as well as direct experiences of the Divine Mother Within.

Because of the wet weather being experienced in the Cape, the program may change to bring more of the events indoors.

Booking and payment in advance is essential as all food is being catered for those attending.

In 2013 an international Sacred Feminine Conference and Festival will take place on Artemis, near Franschoek.  You can read elsewhere on this blog more about it.

Watch this space for updates!!

Hope to see you there